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Cansu Oguz

Cansu Oguz

Turkish, English
Sales Development Representative

You can make an appointment with me to ask your questions about Gurulize which allows you to create a special consultancy platform for those who provide services in many fields.

Nearest Availability Calendar

29 Jul 04:00

45 Min. Free Gurulize Sales Presentation

Cansu Oguz

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45 Min. Free Gurulize Sales Presentation

Via this Video Call, you can make an appointment with our sales representative for 45 minutes and explore the Gurulize platform with its special features. You can ask questions about Gurulize such as pricing or how to implement your project to our platform. This appointment is only for Gurulize platform sales presentation. If you want to get technical support about the platform, you can contact our "Technical Support Specialists".
Free Of Charge
Duration 45 Min.